The finnish composer Tuomas Kantelinen invites to his Filmmusic Workshop.
A Practical Introduction To Adaptive Games Music
With Helge Borgarts and Andreas Kolinski
2 Days, 6 events, 1 common thread
In the workshops of SoundTrack_Cologne 13 experts will present their practice and invite the participants to join in.
A Hands On Remix-Workshop by Pop Duo The Penelopes
Sebastian Mönch introduces to the participants the use of Steinberg Nuendo for game audio production.
Influence of music on gaming experience and game enjoyment
With Dr. Christoph Klimmt and Daniel Possler, hmtmh Hannover
Frank Ilfman und Matthew Derek Slater about their work on the new Soundlogo
The Soundtrack rules! Music and sound in short films.
SoundTrack_Cologne Programmfolder: Download
SEE THE SOUND Programmfolder: Download
Watch the official SoundTrack_Cologne 13 trailer now!
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