PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD at SoundTrack_Cologne 13 · August 24. - 28. 2016


In 2016 SoundTrack_Cologne is again awarding a prize for the best music in a short film: the PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD.

The prize is awarded by SoundTrack_Cologne in memory of the great German film composer Peer Raben. The award money is donated by Peer Raben’s estate.

For the PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD, which is annually awarded since 2009, SoundTrack_Cologne is looking for the best music in a short film. Awarded will be film scores where the relationship between the narration and the music and sound is innovative and dramaturgically striking.

Entry deadline for the competition is July 3rd, 2016.

All short films whose production was completed after 1st January 2015, or which had their premiere after 1st January 2015, are eligible for submission. All films with a maximum duration of 15 minutes (longer films will not be accepted!) and in any industry standard format will be considered. There are no restrictions regarding country of production, genre, or content. The film music must have mainly been written for the film.

The finalists will present their work (films, compositions) to the jury and the audience. The prize will be awarded at the official gala on 27th August 2016. The prize will be worth 1.500 Euros.